Government Phonology Round Table 2019 (GPRT2019)

General info

The Government Phonology Round Table 2019 (GPRT2019), a (semi-)informal meeting of GPists, will be held at the Department of Linguistics/University of Vienna on June 14–15, 2019 (Friday & Saturday).

Note that on June 13 there will be a fringe event in Budapest; further information can be found here.

If you want to attend the GPRT in Vienna, please fill the registration form here. Upon registration, you are asked to specify if you plan to present (in which case you are asked to add a title and a brief, maximally 1-page abstract) or to attend as audience only (in which case we need you to register for reasons of catering). You will also be asked whether you want to attend dinner on Friday, June 14. (Location not determined yet, but it will be something affordable.)

As is customary at the GPRT, there will be no registration fee. Obviously, if you come to the dinner on Friday, you'll have to pay for that. (Not beforehand, though).

There is no specific theme of the workshop, and any presentation touching upon GP (in the broadest possible sense) is welcome. This can be a regular talk but also a certain problem you would like to bring up for discussion. There will be no reviewing, so we operate on a "first come, first serve" basis. The number of submissions will also determine the exact timing of the programme. (We have a maximum of two days.)

If you are eager on presenting please register by May 1, 2019.

If you simply want to attend without presenting, please make sure to register by June 1.

People presenting will be allotted a 30 minute time slot. You are free to divide up your 30 minutes in a way you see fit: 20 minutes for the talk, 10 for discussion, or the other way round, or half/half. We do encourage leaving ample time for discussion, though, so please don't talk for more than 20 minutes. (You do not need to specify this beforehand, but will need to tell your chair at the round table.)

This page will be updated continually. If you encounter any problem or have a question that is not yet addressed, please get in touch:

You may also want to be part of the GPRT community and join our googlegroup — you can apply for membership (or check whether you’re already a member) at