Government Phonology Round Table 2019 (GPRT2019)


The fringe meeting in Budapest on June 13 has as its topic "The representation of long vowels, diphthongs, and feet" (convenors: Shanti Ulfsbjorninn, Katalin Balogné Bérces and Markus Pöchtrager).

It will start at 4pm at the Sophianum building of PPCU, in Mikszáth tér, Budapest. Further details can be found here.

The programme for the main event in Vienna on June 14–15 is now online and can be found here. (This is the final version which will be part of your conference pack, so no need to print it out.) The programme is accompanied by a neighbourhood map with lunch places indicated.

The booklet of abstracts for the presentations on June 14–15 can be found here